Terms And Conditions
- 1. JayaRam's Swarna Savings Plan
1.Pay your monthly installments on or before the due date to avail the benefit of zero wastage and zero making charges.
2.Only one entry per month.
3.The amount you choose for the first installment will be set as the amount to be paid for every other installment that are to follow. Hence think well before you arrive at a decision on the first installment amount.
4.This scheme shall cover only jewels available for sale in the showroom and not for customized jewels.
5.Premature closing of the scheme shall not be entertained.
6.This is a unique scheme and cannot be merged, converted or transferred with either new or existing schemes.
7.JayaRam Jewellers reserves every right over the terms and conditions of this scheme and reserves the right to change the conditions at any time.
8.In case of any change in existing laws, rules, acts, etc., by a Regulatory authority, the necessary requirements have to be complied with, by the customer. JayaRam Jewellers reserves the right to enforce such a compliance.
9.The deposited amount will not be refunded as cash, in any case.
10.Making and wastage charges will be applicable for gold that exceeds the saved/accumulated weight, in the scheme.
11.Redemption of this saving scheme can be done after 30 days of payment of last installment.
12.Prepayment of installments and advancement of the maturity date are not permitted.
13.The chit amount can be paid by cash, at par cheques, demand drafts, upi payments. Member's name and membership number should be clearly written in all modes of payment.
14.Delay in payments will automatically extend the maturity date by the number of months delayed.
15.Members are entitled to redeem the total weight of the gold credited to their account on maturity.
16.The gold rate as announced by Madras Jewellers & Diamond Merchants Association for selling of 22K
(916) will be the rate applied for calculating redemption value.
17.The stone charges and GST will be bor
- 2. JayaRam's Bonus Bonanza Savings Plan
The Scheme enables customers to invest their monthly savings and get the accrued amount to purchase Gold Jewellery.
Members who wish to join the scheme have to subscribe Rs. 1000/-, Rs.2000/-. Rs.3000
(as instalment) every month, according to the group chosen continuously for 11 (Eleven) Months.
On the beginning of the 12th (Twelfth) Month members will be permitted to buy Gold /Silver Jewellery or Silver / Gift Articles of their choice with applicable VA/MC
(Value addition & Making charges) for the value. It should be noted that those who join the scheme and become members will be allowed to buy/get only Gold/ Silver Jewellery or Silver/Gift Articles of the value (with applicable VA/MC) for the respective group.
*No cash payment will be made under any circumstance*
Payments of Monthly Instalments: Monthly instalment should be paid not later than the 15th of each month. Payment may be made by Cash or Cheque. Only one instalment will be accepted per month.
Defaults: According to the scheme, members will become eligible to the terminal benefit (ie: for the value of Jewellery / Articles stated above), only when they pay the monthly instalments for 11 months continuously without default. Members who default would become eligible for the benefit (incentive) only after, they pay all the 11 instalments. In other words, their eligibility period would got postponed by the number of months they have defaulted.
Discontinuance: In respect of members who discontinue the Scheme midway, or defaulting (consecutive 3 months) will be allowed to buy/get Jewellery/ Articles only for the amount they paid. No incentive will be eligible for them.
Passbook: At the time of joining the Scheme, each member will be issued with a Pass Book.
Members should ensure that the payments are correctly entered in the Pass Book. Any discrepancy in the entries should immediately be brought to the notice of our chit section and get rectified. Members making on